Isabelle Audet
Occupational Health and Safety Committee
CIUSSS de la Mauricie et du Centre du Québec (FIQ – Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec)
I am a nurse and have been working at the CLSC de Vallée de la Batiscan for five years and before that I worked at the Hôpital du Centre-de-la-Mauricie for 12 years.
I am running for a spot on the OHS Committee because OHS is important to me. I left my last job because of the working conditions, e.g., work overload, compulsory overtime, etc., which happened regularly and have a direct impact on our members’ occupational health and safety.
I am concerned about the physical and mental health of healthcare professionals. I believe that if we increase the number of jobs, there will be more staff and less compulsory overtime.
I am a vice-president on my SPSMCQ’s executive committee and I believe that my engagement and motivation will help me successfully carry out my mandates.
Seconded by
Dave Allard – CIUSSS de la Mauricie et du Centre du Québec (FIQ – Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec)
Maryse Martel – CIUSSS de la Mauricie et du Centre du Québec (FIQ – Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec)