Congrès 2017

Martine Tremblay [Elected by acclamation]

Treasurer (FIQP)

Groupe Champlain Inc. (Montérégie) (Alliance interprofessionnelle de Montréal (FIQ))

I am spontaneous, curious, love life and life loves me! And life has gradually steered me down the union path. Wow! I would have never thought I’d be part of a union! But here I am to stay. I LOVE the challenges that union life brings. I became a licensed practical nurse in 2005 and in 2008 joined my local union team and fell in love with union life. In 2011, I got involved at a regional level. My first term on the AIM’s Executive Committee as the EPC VP began. Soon after, I became interested in the treasury.

Next I became the assistant treasurer, then treasurer and then the interim president on April 21, 2017. And now my union career has shifted to the next level. I have been on the FIQP’s Transitional Executive Committee from the outset. I am thrilled about this exciting project and ask for your support as I run for treasurer to continue to help the FIQP grow. Thank you.

Seconded by

Josée Chartré – Groupe Roy Santé Inc. (Syndicat régional des professionnelles en soins du Québec (FIQ))
Sonia Mancier – Vigi Santé Ltée (Montérégie) (Les Professionnel(le)s en Soins de Santé Unis(FIQ))