Nagia Idel Mehdaoui
Education-Animation Committee
Conseil Cri de la santé et serv. soc. de la Baie-James-Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (Syndicat nordique des infirmières et infirmiers de la Baie James (FIQ))
Dear healthcare professional colleagues,
A diploma nurse since 2003, I have practised in several professional settings. My different practice settings are varied: pediatric intensive care, case room, CLSC, home care, northern clinic in a broadened role and lastly public health care counsellor nurse.
I have always fought in a union or associative framework alongside my professional career.
I am also the interim president of my local union after having been the treasurer then secretary.
I have always been interested in the Education-Animation Service since I became involved with the FIQ. I have spent time with them during internal training sessions or during the animations and working sessions at decision-making meetings.
I believe that an organization such as ours must be it unified and let everyone find their place within it. And although the Education-Animation Service has had many achievements, there is still a lot to do if we want to have a solid base.
And it is with this passion that I am seeking your support of my candidacy for this committee.
My goal in integrating this committee will be to see that the offer of service meets the members’ needs in the best possible way and takes into account the upcoming challenges.
Let’s be stronger together!
Seconded by:
Patrice Ferland – Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (Syndicat nordique des infirmières et infirmiers de la Baie James (FIQ))
Shirley Dorismond – CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (FIQ – Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de santé du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)