The FIQ starts a ratio pilot project in CISSS Montérégie Ouest
The FIQ announced the implementation of a safe ratio project at the Suroît hospital in the surgery unit of the Montérégie Ouest CISSS. “We’re very pleased to announce this project, which is slated to begin on May 22. The FIQ has been fighting to implement healthcare professional-to-patient ratios for years. It is a solution that we proposed to ensure safe patient care while reducing our members’ excessive workload. We have the FIQ to thank for our region’s first safe ratio pilot project,” said Sylvain Frappier, Vice-President, Organization of Work, on the Executive Committee of the FIQ Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de Montérégie Ouest.
The FIQ received support from Guy Leclair, the Member for Beauharnois. “For years I have been marvelling at how incredible the Suroît hospital staff is because that health institution is always packed. The safe ratio pilot project is a step in the right direction, but I will continue to fight to improve care in Suroît,” said Mr. Leclair.
The FIQ also receives support from its members, who see how work conditions aren’t optimal for ensuring quality patient care on a daily basis. “Alongside experts from the FIQ and the Health Ministry, we will be supervising the ratio pilot project. We know that increasing staff on the care team will ensure better health care services for the population,” said Sylvain Frappier.