Voting: the best way to be heard
During the Youth Network, the participants had a chance to shed light on the last election’s results with the rising star in political analysis and prognosis, Philippe J. Fournier, author of the blog, qc125.com and regular contributor to various media. After aptly describing the prediction model that he concocted and which is his claim to fame, Mr. Fournier focused more specifically on Quebecers’ voting behaviours during the most recent elections. The young participants at the Network were able to see how the drop in voter participation influenced the final results, particularly the Liberals’ results. Moreover, it seems that young people differed from their elders by voting in greater proportions on October 1, which partly explains the breakthrough of Québec solidaire.
Still on the topic of the electoral process, the Network participants also had the opportunity to listen to Jean-Sébastien Dufresne (from the Mouvement Démocratie nouvelle, of which the FIQ is an active member) who is fighting to reform the voting system. From his presentation, the young participants learned about significant imbalances in representation caused by the current voting system and its consequences. Even if this subject may initially seem dry, Mr. Dufresne captured his audience’s attention by demonstrating in a clear and vivid way how a proportional mixed compensatory voting system could easily correct some of the system’s flaws and revitalize Québec and Canadian democracies.
In closing the Network, the young people were made aware of the importance of international solidarity in supporting young people participating in politics in very different contexts than what we know here. Thus, the participants were able to learn more about the situation of young people in Nicaragua and the important role of the international assistance group, Spirale, and the FIQ in supporting the Centre Romero, which has worked with young people for more than 30 years in the town of Nandaïme. Furthermore, if you would like, you can support the Centre Romero through the Campagne du 30 sous spearheaded by Spirale.