A great victory for healthcare professionals in Saint-Hyacinthe
There is an undeniable work overload at the Mother-Child-Family-Pediatric department in the Hôpital Honoré-Mercier in Saint- Hyacinthe. The resource person’s report, submitted on July 3, is clear: all the criteria for a work overload are met for day, night and evening shifts.
The mediator was called to sit after the work of the Committee on Care (formed in 2016) came to a standstill, and made thirteen recommendations to improve the situation over the short and medium term.
Here are some of the measures the employer must quickly implement: a night position; a 12-hour position (day and night); an administrative agent’s position; systematic monitoring of overtime hours; work reorganization and meeting management; meetings with healthcare professionals and employee satisfaction validation.
Major victory
This is a major victory for healthcare professionals who have been denouncing the work overload for over two years. The employer’s complete denial of the situation has broken down trust in the employer party. The report mentions that “compassionate listening to employees’ concerns would have yielded very positive effects and resulted in less rigidity in the positions they held.”
“The Mother-Child-Family-Pediatric centre of activities has missions that generally appeal to healthcare professionals. This rings true as long as the work climate remains favourable,” said the report.
“We are very proud of the participating healthcare professionals’ level of determination to fight for recognition for this critical situation, for the safety of the patients in the unit,” said SPME President Jean-Michel Varin. “It’s a big day for them and for the patients and their babies.”
The FIQ-SPSME is now hoping that the employer will promptly follow up on the resource person’s recommendations. Otherwise, the union will take the proceedings to arbitration.
Similar efforts with a resource person are underway in the CHSLD Hôtel-Dieu in Saint-Hyacinthe. The FIQ-SPSME is eager to hear the outcome and hopes it will also produce positive recommendations for healthcare professionals.
Members may look over the report at the union office.
To learn more about the criteria for a work overload:
To learn more about the Committee on Care: