For updates on local negotiations: agreements, bargaining progress, mobilizations, etc. (articles mostly in French)
Learn moreHealthcare professionals’ working conditions, and the subsequent consequences of those conditions, regularly make headlines—heavy workload, staff shortages, mandatory overtime, high rate of absenteeism, etc. That is why the mental health of FIQ and FIQP members seemed like the most natural choice for the theme of the 2018 OHS Week. In order to avoid the pessimistic commentary often associated with the topic, the OHS Committee decided…
Learn moreThe Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec–FIQ and FIQ | Secteur privé–FIQP announced the launch of a safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratio pilot project at the Centre d’hébergement Champlain-de-Chanoine-Audet today. “It’s great news. Healthcare professionals who work in these residential centres are the ideal candidates to participate in these projects. Every day they are responsible for giving quality care in an environment where there are…
Learn moreOn Saturday night, the ratio project changed gears, shifting into the implementation phase at department 550 at the Hôpital Général de Québec. The team that set up the project and the president of the SPSCN insisted on thanking the day, evening and night teams for their role in this project, which will serve to demonstrate the benefits of implementing safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratios. They believe…
Learn moreThe election campaign is in full swing and with each day come new announcements. Political parties are pitching promises and, sometimes what’s going on in the background is more important than what’s being said. But beyond the pretty words, what are the real promises being made to the 75,000 healthcare professionals (FIQ members) and Quebec patients? On October 1, we will have the opportunity to…
Learn moreThe FIQ held a health care debate with candidates from the four main parties in light of the upcoming Quebec elections.
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