May 17, 2019 – A few days ago, Health Minister Danielle McCann confirmed that the pilot project enabling three private clinics to conduct one-day surgeries in the greater Montreal area will be extended for another year. She said they need more time to compare the cost of surgery in private clinics to that in the public network. Taking into consideration service accessibility and this extension,…
Learn moreMAY 15, 2019 – The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec – FIQ is absolutely stunned by the news in La Presse this morning saying that the government will be cutting 300 million dollars from the health network. “If the government goes ahead with these budget cuts then it truly failed to understand how extremely fragile the health network is,” said Nancy Bédard, FIQ…
Learn moreMay 15, 2019 – The FIQ‑Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (FIQ-SPS ESTIM) says no to closing geriatric beds at the Hôpital Santa-Cabrini and demands the hospital’s administration quickly find solutions to avoid this disaster. “The news dropped on May 9th that the administration would close 18 short-term active geriatric beds at the Hôpital Santa-Cabrini, because there are no longer any doctors to give…
Learn moreMAY 14, 2019 – The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec – FIQ acknowledges the government’s announcement to set up a committee of experts to develop a residential and long-term care policy. “There are major discrepancies between the services offered and the needs in residential and long-term care. While this approach may leave us perplexed, we will give the government the benefit of the…
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