You all know the lovely Quebecois saying that is featured on our license plates, but do you remember major healthcare professional mobilizations from the past? While I did not witness them myself, I have heard a lot about them from my colleagues and nurse aunts. In...
Status of Women
The FIQ is a feminist organization with a 90% female membership. It is actively involved, in partnership with other feminist groups, in promoting and defending women’s rights and publicly fighting against inequality and prejudice. Workplace violence, family-work-study balance, the role of caregivers, pay equity, poverty and the role of women in decision-making are core concerns at the FIQ.
Policy on the Fair Representation of Women in Positions of Power and Decision-Making
In June 2018, the FIQ and FIQP delegates adopted the Policy on the Fair Representation of Women in Positions of Power and Decision-Making. They wanted to curb a trend observed in recent years: women’s decreasing participation at decision-making meetings (conventions, provincial councils, etc.) The policy includes support measures that work towards the 75% target for women’s attendance at meetings.

Policy on the Fair Representation of Women in Positions of Power and Decision-Making
International Day of Women’s Rights
The International Day of Women’s Rights is a day to remember, both as individuals and as a collective, that the battle to defend women’s rights isn’t over. It’s also a unique occasion to mobilize by sharing our experiences and telling our younger colleagues about the battles we have fought to advance the rights of healthcare professionals.
- 2023 – Feminist resistance
- 2022 – The future is feminist
- 2021 – Let’s listen to women
- 2020 – Feminist with all our might
- 2019 – Le respect, ça se manifeste (french only)
- 2018 – Feminists until things change
- 2017 – L’égalité sans limites (french only)
Intersyndicale des femmes
Created in 1977, the Intersyndicale des femmes represents nearly 300,000 unionized workers in the public and parapublic sectors, as well as the private sector. It is composed of status of women representatives from seven labour organizations: the Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS), the Centrale des syndicats démocratiques (CSD), the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), the Fédération autonome de l’enseignement (FAE), the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec – FIQ, the Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec (SFPQ) and the Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec (SPGQ).
World March of Women
Did you know that Quebec women started the march of women, which then became international?