
FIQ (Fédération Interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec)

And the Place à la relève prize goes to…

And the Place à la relève prize goes to…

The 43rd convention of the Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec (OPIQ) was held October 13-14 in La Malbaie. At the convention, the FIQ gave the Place à la relève (making way for successors) award to Julie Roberge and Rose Rodrigue from the Sainte-Foy Cégep for their project Un temps d’arrêt pour mieux repartir?. The prize consists of a $2,000 bursary.

Every year, the various educational institutions are asked to register the champions who will represent them at a friendly spar at a plenary conference before a jury at the OPIQ’s annual convention.

Congratulations to Ms. Roberge and Ms. Rodrigue!