The FIQ takes action to support the environment!
One of the last Youth Network’s main goals was to take action on sustainable development. That’s why after laying the groundwork by describing its guiding principles, the Youth Committee wanted to use the young people’s creativity to make some headway.
So, the Youth Committee practised presenting its arguments and recommendation with respect to implementing a sustainable development policy at the FIQ in a mock Federal Council workshop. Next, in round table discussions, the participants had to argue with and question the members of the Youth Committee following the Morin Rules of Order. In addition to debating the main recommendation, they adopted a new proposal from the delegation to make the environment one of the FIQ’s priorities for 2018! This exercise taught the young activists the ins and outs of debates in meetings and let them practice taking the floor in public to deliberate and take a stance. Bravo to all the participants! You all rose to the challenge beautifully!
After unanimously adopting the recommendation to implement a sustainable development policy at the FIQ, the youth went to work developing the FIQ strategic action plan. The strategy needed to propose actions at both the provincial (organizational) and local (affiliated unions) levels. Brimming with creativity, the members made proposals covering a wide range of tactics: forming green committees in institutions, forging alliances with environmental groups and other environmentally engaged labour organizations, creating incentives to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons (gas, plastic), negotiating with the employer to promote recycling and reduce waste in institutions, etc.
One thing was clear to the youth, who also had to set the schedule for the action plan: the FIQ needs to take action in 2018!