Ratios and safe scheduling: the FIQ launches two new ads
The FIQ launched two ads on January 31 in response to the media’s current interest in healthcare professionals’ unacceptable working conditions. The FIQ uses humour to illustrate just how ridiculous it is that healthcare professionals are required to work 14, 15 or 16 hours in a row in addition to not having safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratios.
This campaign accompanies the Black Book of Care Safety, which denounces the critical state of care safety in Quebec. Backed by numerous reports, studies, conclusive international models, a population survey and its members’ experiences, the FIQ is demanding healthcare professional-to-patient ratios. In the months following the launch of the Black Book in November 2017, many healthcare professionals came forward with their concerns and distress, sometimes to their union, and sometimes in a more personal way.
The Quebec premier responded by asking the FIQ to propose solutions but the FIQ has been proposing solutions for years! Must we remind Philippe Couillard’s government that the safe ratios projects it promised to start at the last negotiations are still not underway and that the safety of public health care is at risk?
These ads have already been covered by the media and will be shown on the Internet over the next few weeks.