Ratios: update
The FIQ’s Executive Committee presented the latest developments on implementing the safe ratio pilot projects at the Provincial Council currently underway in Laval. At the last meeting between Minister Gaétan Barrette and FIQ President Nancy Bédard, they agreed that 17 ratio pilot projects would be implemented.
Then, at the joint-committee meetings on Letter of Understanding No. 7, work began on the approach to implementing the 17 ratio projects. At these meetings, the committee’s objectives were updated in light of these projects:
- First, establish ratios in medicine, surgery and in CHSLDs
- Develop an approach for establishing the ratios in the target units
- Select the 17 project sites
- Implement the pilot projects as quickly as possible
To date, no site has been selected or excluded for the pilot projects. However, several of our affiliated unions have already shown interest in the projects. The committee will select the project sites as soon as possible.
In addition to the target units (medicine, surgery and a CHSLD), it was agreed, with Minister Barrette, that some projects would be implemented in home care (SAD), respiratory therapy, a private subsidized institution (EPC), and an emergency department. These units will be selected at a later date to make up a total of 17 projects.
We are aware that this news will raise a number of questions. We will keep you informed of any further developments as soon as possible. The next meeting with Minister Barrette is scheduled on March 26, 2018. Moreover, in the next budget to be tabled on March 27, funds should be earmarked for the ratio pilot projects.