Exhausted: yes. Resigned: no. Let’s mobilize!
Nearly 100 FIQ and FIQP members aged 35 and under participated in the most recent Youth Network. The two days of presentations, discussions and activities were planned around the theme “Exhausted: yes. Resigned: no. Let’s mobilize!”
Day 1
It is the perfect occasion for participants to reflect on the notion of disobedience in a context where healthcare institution management is harmful to healthcare professionals. Professor and speaker Amélie Perron gave a presentation during the network. She explained to young reps just how important it is to develop their critical thinking and to speak out when something is unjust.
Day 2
The second and last day of the Youth Network. Participants took a look at political parties’ platforms in light of the upcoming provincial elections. Which proposals line up with the FIQ and FIQP’s values? The FIQ and FIQP are organizations dedicated to health care and which work under the banner of solidarity and fight for the right to decent work and life conditions. FIQ President Nancy Bédard was also there to discuss safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratios.