Group insurance plan consultation: the FIQ to introduce a modular plan
At the June Provincial Council, delegates were informed of the results of the online group insurance plan consultation held from April 23 to May 6. They also adopted the plan that will be put out to tender over the summer in order to attain the best possible rates for the renewal on April 1, 2019.
To conduct the consultation, an ad hoc group insurance committee composed of eight union reps was formed and worked closely on the mandate with the Federation and an independent actuarial consultant. The purpose of this broad consultation was to evaluate what kind of insurance coverage members preferred, while taking into account the fact that the FIQ had gained 7,600 new members at the last union allegiance voting period.
Option three
Option 3, featuring modular plan A, was selected. This plan offers three levels of coverage and allows members to have either basic coverage at a lower cost, keep the same plan at the same rate, or have more extensive, generous coverage. It also includes a modification to the current dental plan, making it optional for members. Delegates voted to keep the same level of dental coverage rather than opt for the modifications proposed in the consultation.
The new modular plan adopted by the delegates, includes three coverage levels at three different rates:
- Bronze : basic prescription drug and health care coverage at a lower cost;
- Argent : same coverage and rates as the current plan for prescription drugs, health care and healthcare professionals;
- Or : more extensive, generous coverage with a higher premium rate.
Call for tenders
The FIQ submitted a request to the Comité patronal de négociation du secteur de la santé et des services sociaux (CPNSSS) to depart from Article 23.08 in the provincial collective agreement in order to be able to approach Canadian insurers that are well-established in Quebec. The CPNSSS refused the request so the FIQ can only approach insurers with head offices located in Quebec.
Delegates will be informed of the results of the call for tenders and approve the choice of insurer at the December 2018 Provincial Council. The new insurer and new modular plan will come into effect on April 1, 2019.
For more information, contact your local union team.