A safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratio pilot project begins at the Centre d’hébergement Champlain-de-Chanoine-Audet
The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec–FIQ and FIQ | Secteur privé–FIQP announced the launch of a safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratio pilot project at the Centre d’hébergement Champlain-de-Chanoine-Audet today.
“It’s great news. Healthcare professionals who work in these residential centres are the ideal candidates to participate in these projects. Every day they are responsible for giving quality care in an environment where there are staff shortages of epidemic proportions,” said Louise Quirion, president of the Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de Québec (SPSQ).
“It’s the first private subsidized institution to participate in the project. Our members were eager to take part in this project and show that it is possible to provide safe care while reducing the work overload. Today we are launching the project while participants meet to discuss the ratio project approach and the steps involved in implementing it,” added Sonia Mancier, FIQP President.
“We’ve been fighting for safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratios for years in hopes that they would become guaranteed throughout the network. The FIQ’s work committee’s expert members and the Health Minister will closely monitor this project. It is the 14th project of its kind in Quebec to date. We believe that increasing staff on the care team will ensure better health care services for the population,” said Nancy Bédard, FIQ President.