FIQ-SPSCA denounces temporary closure of the Centre Paul-Gilbert emergency room-a hard hit for the local population
The FIQ – Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de Chaudière-Appalaches was alarmed when it heard about the temporary closure of the Centre Paul-Gilbert ER in Charny. “It’s extremely troubling. It means that about a hundred patients per day will have to go elsewhere. It will have a major impact on the surrounding healthcare institutions, especially the Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis ER. There’s going to be major overflow issues,” said Laurier Ouellet, the union president.
Starting on November 3, the Centre Paul-Gilbert ER will no longer accept patients in the evening. The reduced hours of operation will definitely generate consequences for the public. “We are concerned that the decision to close the ER in the evenings will cause the Centre to lose its emergency status, which would further cut opening hours. It’s unthinkable,” said Mr. Ouellet.
According to Chaudière-Appalaches CISSS management, doctors are refusing to be on call at the Centre-Paul Gilbert, leaving it no choice but to close the emergency room. “It’s unacceptable. What does the new Health Minister think? Our members are available and ready to offer health care to the Chaudière-Appalaches population, services they are entitled to,” said Laurier Ouellet.