Group insurance: on April 14, 2019, the FIQ will switch to a new insurer and plan
At the Provincial Council in Laval, FIQ and FIQP delegates voted to switch to La Capitale assurance et services financiers at the time of the group insurance contract renewal on April 14, 2019.
The decision was made following a call for tenders in summer 2018. Four main insurers participated: Desjardins Sécurité financière, Industrielle Alliance Groupe financier, SSQ Assurance and La Capitale assurance et services financiers. The insurers submitted proposals for the three plans in the FIQ’s group insurance contract: the health insurance plan, dental plan and life insurance and long-term disability plan.
La Capitale was selected in order to provide FIQ and FIQP members with the best group insurance coverage at the best cost.
The delegates also decided to use part of the government’s additional contribution to provide a premium reduction for the health insurance plan from April 14, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
The new modular group insurance plan, combined with the optional dental plan, with individual enrollment, will also come into effect on April 14, 2019. The delegates at the June 2018 Provincial Council adopted this plan following a broad member consultation in spring 2018.
So, on April 14, 2019, the 76,000 FIQ and FIQP members will switch from a universal plan to a modular plan and from Desjardins insurance to La Capitale insurance.
Important information for members
In early March, you will receive full details on the new insurance contract and how to modify, if necessary, your insurance coverage preferences (the bronze, silver or gold module and dental care) during the enrollment campaign in March 2019. For further information, please read En Action, the post-meeting newsletter, and contact your local union team.