Mandatory overtime: the FIQ releases a first hard-hitting ad
Following its budget requests, the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec–FIQ released a hard-hitting ad about mandatory overtime. “We want to raise awareness about the overwhelming use of mandatory overtime. The general public needs to know about the distress that it causes healthcare professionals,” said Nancy Bédard, FIQ President.
The FIQ has been denouncing the systematic use of mandatory overtime for years. It has been become an actual management method. “This practice goes far beyond the issue of labour relations. It undermines care safety and has a direct impact on patients. Our members are 90% women and they are the first to suffer from mandatory overtime. Thousands of mothers, wives and caregivers are forced to do extra shifts. This profession is one of the only ones to use such an inhumane practice and on a daily basis! It’s unacceptable. It has to change now,” added Ms. Bédard.
The FIQ urges the Legault government to keep its promise to create an action plan to eliminate mandatory overtime. “Healthcare professionals have a right to demand action from Health Minister, Danielle McCann. It has to end. The health and safety of healthcare professionals and their patients is at stake,” concluded Nancy Bédard.