The FIQ gets a concrete action plan and quick timeline to combat MOT
The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec –FIQ is satisfied with the meeting with the Minister of Health and Social Services and her commitments in two major files affecting the healthcare professionals: mandatory overtime (MOT) and ratios. “This meeting took place a few days after our provincial day without MOT. It was important for the Federation that the minister commit to quickly rolling out an action plan to tackle the scourge of MOT and that the work begin as quickly as possible in all the health institutions in the province. Our mobilization on April 8th clearly produced results. Our discussions with the minister were straightforward and direct and her commitments clearly reflect her understanding of the urgency in this situation. The FIQ got a concrete action plan and a timeline to combat MOT” said Nancy Bédard, President of the FIQ.
Mandatory overtime
For the Federation, the healthcare professionals’ anger about MOT is such that it has reached a point of no return. They can’t wait for several more years before things really change and it has become more necessary than ever that the work is fast-tracked. “That is the message I gave to the minister and she assured us that the PEDs will soon be calling our local unions to a meeting to begin the work on upgrading positions, including carrying out “over staffing” to compensate for recurring absences. Moreover, she committed to rolling out the action plans set up with our local union teams before the summer. Ms. McCann and myself agreed that our respective offices will talk twice a month in order to have a close follow-up and a shared vision of what happens in the field”, explained Ms. Bédard.
Another issue at this meeting was the ratios file. The FIQ is satisfied that the minister repeated her desire that this file progress in the coming months. “The FIQ has always maintained that the ratios should be rolled out gradually, but that it is important that the work progress faster. The minister confirmed that the report on the ratios projects would be submitted soon so that we can jointly agree on the parameters for the ratios to roll out as a priority in the particularly vulnerable locations. The minister did not make a specific commitment on a timeline, but she seemed to want to step up the pace, which is good news for us”, continued the president.
The FIQ pointed out the importance of real collaboration to the Minister of Health, and that we won’t be satisfied with temporary measures and good intentions. “Ms. McCann expressed her determination to act in these two files and we will make sure she delivers the goods for the good of the healthcare professionals and patients”, concluded the president.