The FIQ continues its legal battle to eliminate MOT
The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec — FIQ is arguing its case today at the Administrative Labour Tribunal (TAT) asking that the Tribunal review the decision rendered last April 25th. In that decision, the TAT refused to exercise its jurisdiction over the institutions using mandatory overtime (MOT) as a management method. The FIQ quickly indicated its desire to appeal and filed a motion for administrative review on May 27th.
MOT persists despite the promises
Despite the many representations by the FIQ with the government, the systematic use of MOT still exists. The FIQ members are extremely angry and want the Tribunal to decide to make the health institutions accountable. “The healthcare professionals sounded the alarm on April 8. We keep repeating, MOT has disastrous effects on the healthcare professionals and the quality and safety of care. When will the Tribunal intervene with the employers to guarantee quality services to the population as it does with the unions? This situation is downright unfair and our members do not feel respected!” said Nancy Bédard, President of the FIQ.
The rule of double standards
Remember that on April 5, 2019, a TAT judge finally acknowledged that MOT should be used in urgent and exceptional situations. In the decision, the TAT clearly indicated the CPNSSS’s commitment to take measures to avoid using MOT on April 8, the healthcare professionals’ day of no MOT. “How is it that the employers could collaborate that day, and now they are no longer able to implement measures to avoid using MOT? Faced with a lack of will, using the TAT is unavoidable. We will continue this legal battle in everyone’s interest, the population and healthcare professionals”, added Nancy Bédard.