Conference by Carole Dupéré, Commissioner for a respectful and non-violent work environment: sharing good practices
The 2019 Network of OHS representatives ended on a positive note. In fact, after painting a rather somber statistical picture of the workplace violence situation in the healthcare system on the first day, the second day was intended to be oriented towards the tools to be implemented and sharing of best practices. The guest speaker at the end of the Network. Carole Dupéré shared with us an interesting initiative that can inspire other institutions in the healthcare system.
Coming from a union initiative, the creation of the position of commissioner for a respectful and non-violent work environment is the culmination of several years of discussions between the employer and union. According to Commissioner Dupéré, two major elements guarantee success: the employer and union must jointly choose the person for commissioner and this position should be directly under the institution’s PED and not the Director of Human Resources.
Commissioner Dupéré talked to us about her role as mediator, respect for the role and importance of her being independent from the Human Resources Department to foster trust.
The union reps had the opportunity to exchange with the commissioner and get answers to their questions particularly on how to convince other institutions to imitate this good practice.
Networking and learning more on what happens elsewhere is the path to new solutions.