Inquiry at the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (IUGM) and into the disaster at the Herron Residence
The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec-FIQ welcomes the concerted will of the professional orders, the Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ), Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) and Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires du Québec (OIIAQ), to initiate an inquiry inquiry at the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (IUGM) and into the disaster at the Herron Residence and hopes that the collective mobilization of those involved inspires the Québec Government to make changes in the CHSLDs and other healthcare institutions.
« We hope that this inquiry will break the code of silence in the care of seniors, and that the professional orders’ voices will finally be added to those of our members who also want to protect the public. »
Nancy Bédard, President of the FIQ
The FIQ and its members have been at the forefront from the beginning of the pandemic, and they are very worried about the traumatic situation of our seniors in the CHSLDs, as well as the poor working conditions for the people working in CHSLDs.
For many years, the FIQ, and many agencies, including the Ombudsperson, coroner’s office, health and social services commission, FADOQ, have talked about the unacceptable level of care, even talking about organizational abuse in some CHSLDs. “For the healthcare professionals, the facts are clear. Our members tell us they no longer have the conditions that enable them to give safe, quality care, there is a chronic staff shortage, a constant excessive workload, managers ration out care, the CHSLDs have been suffering for several years now, and unfortunately, we see this sad fact today,” declared Nancy Bédard, President of the FIQ.
The FIQ also denounces that it is impossible for healthcare professionals to attest to the network’s deterioration without feeling threatened. Today, the public’s protection officially surpasses individual professional liability; we must ensure that healthcare professionals have conditions in which they can practice their duties safely. “In an Omerta context, we hope that this inquiry will break the code of silence in seniors’ care, and that the professional orders’ voices will finally be added to those of our members who also want to protect the public. This responsibility too often rests every day on the healthcare professionals’ shoulders. This observation must be made collectively, and if all stakeholders in health collaborate, we can really change the situation.”, added Nancy Bédard.
The FIQ believes solutions already exist, including installing safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratios. “The ratios solution surpasses the boundaries between the government and unions, public and private sector. It’s a question of public health for all citizens of Québec. Québec can no longer disregard the experts’ conclusions and must guarantee a real right to care for all. This requires the adoption of quantitative professional standards, safe care ratios and above all improvement in the working conditions.”, insisted Nancy Bédard.