New channel of communication from the MSSS “On vous écoute” (We’re listening to you) An email inbox to put an end to the omerta? Really?
The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec–FIQ is exasperated with the government’s superficial gestures trying to make people believe they are listening to the healthcare professionals. Reacting to the announcement of a new email inbox, ironically christened “On vous écoute” (We’re listening to you), the FIQ believes that this initiative, far from ending the omerta that persists in the healthcare network, aims to limit the healthcare professionals speaking out in public.
“This is the third time the Minister has announced the end of the omerta since the beginning of the year, and it means absolutely nothing. The government says they want news from the field, but they do not respect the professionals in the field, they don’t hear them, have contempt for them, disregard their rights with ministerial orders and today, they have found another way to silence them”, stated Nancy Bédard, president of the FIQ.
The nurses, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists and clinical perfusionists have sent repeated accounts and denunciations to the government and Minister of Health and Social Services, Danielle McCann, before and during the pandemic, and in the most creative ways possible. The FIQ was eager this morning to reroute and invite the Minister to read what the healthcare professionals have written on the fiqsante.qc.ca/jedenonce site. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the government has never had so much information from the field, from unions, healthcare professionals and citizens lending a hand in the network.
“The Minister says she wants to know where this is happening precisely. How is it that she doesn’t know? Do we really think that by sending comments to the Ministry that this will flow down to the institutions and the problems will be solved? Will those emails be managed like those on the Je contribute site? The end of the omerta should mean that healthcare professionals can at last feel free to speak without fear of reprisals and not that they are given an email inbox that will be used to cover up their denunciations”, declared Ms. Bédard.