Can the COVID-19 virus be spread through the air?
According to the government, NO!
According to the government, airborne contamination is not possible because the virus is not in the air. On May 14, 2020, Dr. Horacio Arruda stated in a press conference that it is not the main factor affecting transmission. Their reasoning is that the droplets that contain the coronavirus would quickly fall to the ground.
VeriFIQation done!
To date, there is no scientific consensus on this. However, according to microbiologist Dr. Christian Jacob, recent data has shown that COVID-19 can remain in the air. Some studies have also shown that traces of the virus can be found on surfaces that weren’t touched by people. According to Dr. Caroline Duchaine, a microbiologist at Université Laval, it is therefore important to determine what role air plays in transmitting the virus, especially in poorly ventilated places.
In recent days, the risk of COVID-19 contamination through ventilation systems and air recirculation in health network institutions, including in CHSLDs and private residences, was brought to light. The CNESST was even ordered to conduct air quality tests and inspect ventilation and air recirculation systems in each institution. As of May 15, 2020, the FIQ and FIQP filed two complaints about this matter.