What salary increase is the government offering to government employees?
During his press conference on July 10 in Mauricie, Premier François Legault mentioned twice rather than once, that his government was offering a 7% salary increase over three years to employees in the public sector and 12% to beneficiary attendants.
VériFIQation done!
The last employer offer presented to the APTS-FIQ Alliance representatives on May 21, 2020 proposed the following salary increases:
Year 1: 1.75% increase + $1,000 for employees who have been in the last echelon for more than a year, pro-rated to hours worked.
Year 2: 1.75% increase + $600 for all healthcare professionals, pro-rated to hours worked.
Year 3:1.5% increase for the jobs covered by rankings 12 to 28, which includes those of the healthcare professionals represented by the FIQ.
This offer includes a salary increase of 5% over three years, with lump sum amounts for some, with conditions: an offer that doesn’t even keep up with inflation.
When the premier talks about a 7% increase over three years for all government employees, he is using a shortcut to make the increase seem larger than it really is. Moreover, the 7% salary increase figure has never been mentioned at the bargaining table.
According to the labour organizations representing the beneficiary attendants, the government has never offered the salary increase promised to their members in public in negotiation meetings.
The government’s salary offers are substantially the same as at the beginning of the negotiations last December.