
FIQ (Fédération Interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec)

Maintaining “COVID premiums » for an extra month: more roller coasters instead of permanent solutions

Maintaining “COVID premiums » for an extra month: more roller coasters instead of permanent solutions

The labour organizations in the health and social services network welcome but are annoyed by the government’s decision to extend until at least may 14, the application of the various “COVID premiums” that were supposed to end on April 16. For the FSSS-CSN, FSQ-CSQ, FIQ and FIQP, APTS, SCFP, SQEES-FTQ, FP-CSN and SPGQ, this confirms, on the one hand, that it was necessary to maintain these premiums while waiting for a transition plan towards sustainable solutions, and on the other hand, that concerted action and predictability are needed to attract and retain staff. 

“It’s too bad a possible 6th wave was needed for the government to correct the mistake of cancelling these premiums, imperfect, but necessary in the short term to prevent resignations and breaks in service. It is also unfortunate that we were informed but not consulted. We will repeat ourselves for as long as necessary: proceeding unilaterally and piecemeal results in inconsistent measures. If we want to act in terms of planning, reconstruction, sustainability, durability, we need to be included. The views of our members are essential”, stated the representatives of theFSSS-CSN, FSQ-CSQ, FIQ and FIQP, APTS, SCFP, SQEES-FTQ, FP-CSN and SPGQ.  

“We demand a fair solution negotiated with the unions. Remember that these premiums cause significant disparities between different job categories and are even counter productive in some cases. Therefore, we renew our call to agree on transitional measures that will be fair and move in the right direction: that the health and social services network is an employer of choice and gives the population the quality of care and services they deserve”, added the unions.