Another major reform, but no guarantee it will have positive impacts on professionals or patient care
Today, it’s another reform announced by another health minister that will drastically change the health network in the coming months. However, there is no guarantee it will have positive impacts on healthcare professionals or on patient care. “We’re talking structure, mergers, centralization. How are healthcare professionals supposed to get their bearings in it? We are barely starting to settle into the big CISSS and CIUSSS structure and now we hear that things are going to be reshuffled again with no guarantee that things will be any better. What healthcare professionals want is stability, predictability and to be able to provide safe, quality care to their patients,” deplored Julie Bouchard, President of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec – FIQ.
Upon the Federation’s first reading, it noticed that the minister says one thing and then the opposite in the bill. He speaks of both stability and change, of decentralization, belonging and one sole employer. “This discourse creates confusion and worry among healthcare professionals. How will the specificities of the regions and staff be taken into account? Humane care is something that is provided where the people are. Whether it’s centred in the hands of the MSSS or of the new Agence Santé Québec, the outcome will be the same: ultimate centralization. It’s very surprising to hear this government talk about decentralization! They are adding managers to facilities but the places of decision-making will remain far from the field, from where care and services are provided and, above all, from those who provide them,” denounced Ms. Bouchard.
The minister’s focus on mobility is particularly worrisome and aligns with the Barrette reform, which remains a very bad memory for healthcare professionals. It is the complete opposite of what our members are demanding: more stability. Minister Dubé says he is a minister of collaboration, who likes teamwork, who listens, but that is not coming through in the bill tabled today. “We will take the next few days to analyze the enormous collection of changes the Health Minister wants to make and we will ensure that our members’ voices are heard. As much for their well being as for that of network patients. If Minister Dubé wants to become a choice employer, this bill, in its current form, is a bad sign,” concluded the president.