When is the strike?
Last week was the “Show your colours” week in support of your negotiations! The stencils and tattoos helped to show the colours of your negotiations in institutions throughout Quebec. You also had the option to send an automated email to your CEO to remind them of their responsibilities and ask them to support your demands.
These actions were intended to show our solidarity in these negotiations, and to remind the employer party that the dissatisfaction your Negotiating Committee expressed at the table is coming directly from the healthcare professionals. Remember that over 90% of members who participated in the consultation said they were dissatisfied with the employer offers. Mobilization has therefore begun and should continue to grow until we obtain a tentative agreement that meets your expectations.
Speaking of mobilization, more and more colleagues are asking us when the strike will begin. Like you, we think that what healthcare professionals in the health and social services network endured in these past few years is unacceptable, just as the employer offers are disrespectful. As such, going on strike is appearing increasingly necessary. Keep an eye out, you will need to participate in a strike vote this fall.
This summer let’s make sure we have your up-to-date information. Check in with your union team to make sure that your email address and contact information are up to date. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in getting more involved. Your union team will be calling on you more and more to participate in increasingly bold mobilization actions. Thank you for supporting your negotiations.