The environment was the main focus of the 14th edition of the FIQ’s Youth Network held on November 2 and 3. Over 70 participants reviewed the important connections between health, collective action and the environment. While the Network held in spring 2017 was an opportunity for young healthcare professionals to observe how environmental factors impact their patients’ health, November’s Network sent the message that it’s…
Learn moreIn Canada and Quebec, several unions have already begun to look into environmental issues. To draw inspiration and learn from their peers, the members of the Youth Committee gathered a panel of union leaders who each helped to implement an environmental policy within their organization. Donald Lafleur, Executive Vice-President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), and Carina Ebnoether, a union activist and member of the…
Learn moreFor a labour organization, mobilization is crucial. So, how do you spark citizens’ interest and unite them, especially FIQ members, around environmental issues? This was the main topic addressed by a panel composed of Odette Sarrazin, Coordinator for Regroupement vigilance hydrocarbures Québec (RVHQ) for the Northern Region and rural mobilization, Colombe Larivière, head of the Comité mobilisation environnement Ahuntsic-Cartierville and coordinator of urban mobilization for…
Learn moreOne of the last Youth Network’s main goals was to take action on sustainable development. That’s why after laying the groundwork by describing its guiding principles, the Youth Committee wanted to use the young people’s creativity to make some headway. So, the Youth Committee practised presenting its arguments and recommendation with respect to implementing a sustainable development policy at the FIQ in a mock Federal…
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