
FIQ (Fédération Interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec)

« We can be proud that pay equity has been a legally recognized right since 1996! It is still absolutely essential that all women, and especially healthcare professionals, continue to receive a salary that reflects their qualifications, responsibilities, efforts, and the conditions they work in. For a labour organization that represents 90% women, that means never letting our guard down and actively participating in all steps of the pay equity maintenance process. »  

— Julie Bouchard, FIQ President

Since the Pay Equity Act was adopted, the FIQ’s elected officials, union reps, and the Federation’s sector and service consultants have pooled their expertise to ensure healthcare professionals receive an equitable salary that reflects their qualifications, responsibilities, effort, and working conditions.

In December 2019, an ad hoc pay equity maintenance committee composed of union reps was formed to participate in the work concerning pay equity maintenance.

The committee is composed of:

  • Marie-Ève Desbiens, inhalothérapeute, IUCPQ 
  • Marie-Chantal Gauthier, infirmière, FIQ-SPSMC 
  • Mélanie Gauthier-Gagnon, IPS, FIQ SPS de la Capitale-Nationale
  • David Lambert, infirmier clinicien, FIQ-SPSCE 
  • Yohanna Mejia, infirmière auxiliaire, FIQ-SPS des Laurentides 
  • Nissa Poisson-Thomas, perfusionniste clinique, SPSICR-CUSM 

The Federation can also count on the support of a lawyer specialized in pay equity.

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Pay Equity Act