Return to the VériFIQatrices page If some employers are to be believed, one would think so. In fact, a lot of contradictory things are being said in the field about the N95 mask, and it is sometimes difficult to separate truth from falsehood. Some employers limit the...

During this pandemic, the people of Quebec want to know the truth. And nobody knows more about what’s going on in the field than healthcare professionals. When what’s happening in the health network differs from what the authorities are saying to the public, the VériFIQatrices will be there to set the story straight.
If you witness a situation that you think the VériFIQatrices should look into, submit your account to
Is wearing an N95 mask limited to health workers who work at a distance of less than two metres and for more than 15 minutes with COVID-19 patients?
Are N95 masks necessary to protect the safety of healthcare professionals and patients?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page If you were to believe the ministerial guidelines, you might not think so. According to an order from the director of Public Health, use of N95 masks should be limited to particular medical procedures known to generate aerosols. In...
How did we come to the outbreaks we’re currently seeing in CHSLDs?
If we take the word of Christian Dubé, Minister of Health and Social Services, one part of the problem comes from the fact that healthcare professionals are sometimes “a bit slack at certain times during the day.” In a press conference in Saguenay, he reminded...
What salary increase is the government offering to government employees?
During his press conference on July 10 in Mauricie, Premier François Legault mentioned twice rather than once, that his government was offering a 7% salary increase over three years to employees in the public sector and 12% to beneficiary attendants.VériFIQation done!...
Are there really 10,000 employees missing in the health network?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page If we believe the premier, it could even be missing 20,000. François Legault is saying to anyone who wants to listen that there were already 10,000 people missing in the health network before the crisis began, and 10,000 more added...
Did managers receive clear instructions to prevent care staff from being transferred from hot to cold zones?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page According to Minister McCann, YES! As we explained in a previous article, Minister McCann is mistaken when she claims that employees who work in hot zones cannot be transferred to cold zones. It happens regularly. The real question is...
Is it true that healthcare professionals aren’t really interested in working full time?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page According to the government, YES! During the question period on May 26, 2020, the Premier stated: “10,000 employees were absent in our CHSLDs before the pandemic. We would like to post 20,000 jobs, but the priority over the short-term...
Does the government have the means to roll out safe ratios?
PHOTO : RADIO-CANADA Return to the VériFIQatrices page If we believe the Ministry of Finance, NO! Rolling out safe ratios in Québec Emergency Departments is estimated to cost 60 million dollars. Last January, during the pre-budget consultations, we asked the...
Is filling the vacant positions a prerequisite before discussing safe healthcare professional-to-patient ratios as of now?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page If we believe the government, YES! In a press conference on May 19th, Mr. Legault stated that before demanding safe ratios, the many vacant positions must be filled first and they haven’t found any takers. He believes the demand for...
Are the lack of beneficiary attendants and their salaries largely responsible for the precarious situation in the CHSLDs?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page If we believe the government, YES! In his press briefing on May 27, 2020, the premier, François Legault reminded everyone that the precarious situation in the CHSLDs was mainly because of a chronic lack of beneficiary attendants. He...
Is fear a factor that can explain the high rate of employee absence in the health network?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page According to the government, YES! The government has said that there are nearly 11,000 employees absent in the health network. Of these, approximately 5,000 are said to be absent after having been infected with Coronavirus. Therefore,...
Is there a code of silence in the health network?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page According to the government, NO! For almost a month now, the Minister of health and social services has continuously repeated that there is no code of silence repressing health network workers. She has confirmed that she needs...
Can healthcare professionals who work in hot zones be assigned to cold zones?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page If we believe the government, NO! The Minister of Health and Social Services, Danielle McCann, has repeatedly said that the healthcare professionals would not be reassigned from a hot zone to a cold zone and vice-versa. According to...
Could the government have foreseen that there would be a shortage of personal protective equipment?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page Globalization and an open world economy has resulted in relocation of a major number of production plants. Therefore, all countries get many of their supplies from the same place. When COVID-19 became a public health issue on a global...
Can the COVID-19 virus be spread through the air?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page According to the government, NO! According to the government, airborne contamination is not possible because the virus is not in the air. On May 14, 2020, Dr. Horacio Arruda stated in a press conference that it is not the main factor...
Is there enough personal protective equipment in all health network institutions?
Return to the VériFIQatrices page According to the government, YES! Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has said over and over that there is no shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE). Therefore, healthcare professionals had all the...