Starting retirement off on the right foot
What steps should be taken?
Once you decide it is time for you to retire, you will have certain steps to take. Here is a checklist to help guide you toward this important phase of your life.

Starting retirement off on the right foot

RREGOP : Our group pension plan (3rd Ed)
5 Factors to consider before applying for your retirement pension
Should you apply sooner or later for your retirement pension under the Québec Pension Plan? For certain people, it is advantageous to apply for this pension at age 60. For others, it may be more advantageous to apply later. To determine what is most beneficial to you, there are a number of personal factors to consider.
When should you apply for a retirement pension under the Québec Pension Plan?
The age at which you choose to begin receiving a retirement pension under the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) should be part of the financial planning of your retirement because it will affect your income for the rest of your life.
Pension estimate
If you want to have an estimate of your pension, you can use the tool on the Retraite Québec website.
You can also ask Retraite Québec for an estimate of your pension, if you are between 4 and 24 months of retiring.
Leaves without pay, maternity or paternity leave
- You are taking a leave without pay of more than thirty consecutive days or part-time leave without pay of more than 20% of full-time work? Think about maintaining your RREGOP contribution and inform your employer.
- You took a leave without pay of more than thirty consecutive days or part-time leave without pay of more than 20% of full-time work without maintaining your RREGOP contribution? Don’t forget to apply for your buyback in the 6 months after returning to work.
- You took a maternity or paternity leave followed by a parental leave (QPIP)? Don’t forget to buyback your parental leave in the 6 months after returning to work.
RREGOP buy back
Since, June 15, 2020, there is only one form to complete for an application to buy back service under RREGOP. No need to contact the employer.
Planning your retirement
Plan your retirement with your personalized documents
You can JOIN RIIRS AT ANY TIME after you retire independently of the health insurance.
Regular members
Retired nurses, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and baby nurses practising their profession or living in Québec when they retire.
Associate members
Retired employees working for RIIRS and FIQ or its affiliated unions when they retire.
- Sign a membership card.
- Pay the initiation fee.
- Agree to comply with the RIIRS General Regulations.
- Authorize the deduction at source of the annual dues when she receives a pension from CARRA.
For more information, consult the Regroupement interprofessionnel des intervenants retraités des services de santé website.
Regroupement interprofessionnel des intervenantes retraitées des services de santé (RIIRS)
The RIIRS is a non-profit organization founded in 1992, with the help of the FIQ, to respond to a need for representation expressed by retired nurses.
Since October 2006, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists, technicians in extracorporeal circulation and baby nurses can join the RIIRS.
The Regroupement is an organization of collective action with the following objectives:
- Give a collective voice to the members to promote better defence of their rights and interests and create a feeling of belonging.
- Provide support to the members on improving their quality of life.
- Offer advisory services in insurance.
- Participate in the demands of retirees and establish links with other bodies.
- Participate in the major public debates on the interests of retired persons.