Health Minister Christian Dubé is looking for an experienced manager from the private sector, a Top Gun to direct the new Santé Québec agency. It will be a big job and the salary will be stupendous. But one concern remains: what will this Top Gun know about care settings and patient needs?
At the FIQ, there are 80,000 Top Guns in nursing and cardio-respiratory care who are ready to make the public health network more humane. Together, let’s remind Mr. Dubé of our priorities and our patients’ priorities! Because our working conditions are the care conditions for all Quebecers!
Let’s remind the Minister of healthcare professionals’ priorities (and kindly overwhelm the ministry’s email inbox)!
Fill out the form below to send your “CV” to Minister Dubé.
Model CV that will be sent to Minister Dubé
Your name
Your job title
Your institution
Years of experience
Career goal
Direct the Agence Santé Québec
As a healthcare professional who works in the Quebec health network, patient care conditions are important to me and I believe I have the field knowledge needed to successfully carry out this major reform to create a more humane network.
Degree in nursing and cardio-respiratory care, mention “Top Gun”
- Thorough understanding of the workings of the public health network
- Professionalism at all times, despite the often-disconnected orientations given by the Ministry of Health and Social Services
- Respect for the code of ethics, despite management problems and short staffing
- Ability to fill out a lot of often useless and complicated forms
- Ability to work long hours and accumulate shifts, especially in mandatory overtime
- Accustomed to never taking days off or vacation at the same time as my children
- Accustomed to working Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and all other statutory holidays
- Always discreet after having lived for years with the code of silence in the health network
- Very skilled with Logibec, DSQ, paper files, fax machines and at reading doctors’ calligraphy
Work experience
- 2020-2023: went through the COVID-19 pandemic
- 1980 to present: underwent the successive healthcare reforms, including the outpatient shift and the merger of health agencies
- Vision for the Agence Santé Québec
- Safe, quality care
- Universal and accessible care
- Network employee attraction and retention
- Listening to workers’ needs in the field
- Respect for the expertise of all network employees
- Humane and feminist management