Nancy Bédard [Elected by acclamation]
President (FIQ)
CHU de Québec (Syndicat interprofessionnel du CHU de Québec)
I am excited and enthusiastic to submit my candidacy for the position of president. My 20 years of activism and in particular my mandate over the last few years on the FIQ Executive Committee has prepared me to take on the president’s responsibilities.
Aware of the expectations linked to the successor of an outgoing president who is loved and appreciated by all, whose work has been more than outstanding for the last 8 years, I am deeply committed to putting all my energy, passion, experience and expertise into serving the healthcare professionals.
I humbly know that I have the tenacity, determination and energy required to continue, with you, to expand our FIQ and RFIQ; to face the current and future challenges for our organization. I will be honoured, privileged to be the spokesperson for the 75,000 healthcare professionals of Québec as this is a very big responsibility and it is in fully understanding the cause that I am asking for your support.
I will continue our struggles and take all actions required to achieve our objectives with conviction.
• to have favourable conditions for the healthcare professionals, necessary for providing quality, safe care on a human scale;
• to install real healthcare professional-to-patient ratios;
• to have positive, tangible results from the local and provincial negotiations for all the members of the Federation and patients;
• to counteract the privatization of health care;
• to maintain and expand the FIQ’s entrenchment in all regions of Québec.
To achieve this, it will be as a team with the members of the FIQ and RFIQ Executive Committees, all the union representatives, employees, coordination and senior management that I will carry out this task. I believe that, just like giving care, defending our members, leading the FIQ and RFIQ is a group effort. I will be an accessible president for all of you and will support you.
Lastly, allow me to say how proud I am to have the privilege to fight with you. You are the heart of the largest and most extraordinary labour organization of healthcare professionals in Québec. As president, I will represent you with all the dignity you deserve!
Have a good Convention
Seconded by:
Régine Laurent, CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (FIQ – Syndicat des professionnelles en soins de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)
Roberto Bomba, CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (FIQ-Syndicat des professionnelles en soins du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)