Proposed tentative agreement between the FIQ and the government
On March 19, a proposed tentative agreement was reached between the FIQ and the Québec government to renew the collective agreement which will determine your working and salary conditions for the coming years. This proposed agreement must first be submitted to your union representatives at a federal council to be held on March 19, 20 and 21. So, don’t be surprised if we do not produce any information on the content of the agreement before then. It is very important for your Negotiating Committee to respect each of the steps in the democratic process.
After this council, your local union will hold general assemblies to present the details of the agreement. These general assemblies are the best place to get informed, because you will be given the most accurate and complete information. It is therefore essential that you attend the assembly.
Then, you can vote on this agreement in an online referendum vote. The dates will be announced very soon. This vote is the ultimate stage of the negotiations, as you will be asked to decide on your new work contract.
Stay tuned for the dates for the general assemblies in your institution, as well as the time chosen for the referendum vote. This information will be sent very soon.
Your representatives in action