
FIQ (Fédération Interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec)

Documents and publications

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Group insurance and disability

Your insurance contract, coverage schedule and rate sheet are available here:


It you are age 60, on disability and intend to apply for your pension from the Québec Pension Plan (QPP), it is important to obtain information before doing so. In fact, even if your employer or insurer has not yet asked you to apply for the QPP disability pension, they could do so. You cannot receive the QPP retirement pension and QPP disability pension at the same time. You would have to cancel your retirement pension and reimburse money to Retraite Québec. If you are in this situation, contact Retraite Québec or the FIQ Social Security Sector for more information.

If your disability started on or after April 1, 2023, please review the changes to your group insurance contract.

Group pension plan

Governing documents

Parental rights

Occupational Health and Safety

Checklist – My safe professional practice during the COVID-19 pandemic : a few important actions

Status of Women

Professional practice