The care team: different knowledge, but professionals driven by the same passion
For the FIQ, the month of May means Health Month! The Federation takes the opportunity to highlight the outstanding contribution of licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists, nurses and perfusionists to the healthcare provided in Quebec.
The quality of care obviously depends on the expertise of each nursing and cardiorespiratory care professional, but it is also based on complementary knowledge and interdisciplinarity within the team. This is why “Different knowledge, a common passion” was chosen as this year’s theme.
Each person’s role on the care team is highly essential. The professionals have unique expertise, distinct knowledge and different knowhow. For example, the licensed practical nurses observe the patients’ state of consciousness and neurological signs. The nurses initiate diagnostic and clinical measures. The respiratory therapists maintain, restore and assist airway function. Finally, the perfusionists are responsible for maintaining and operating the specialized extracorporeal circulation equipment during surgical and medical procedures.
These few examples of the tasks specific to each profession clearly illustrate the complementarity of professionals working on a solid team, motivated by the same spark: to provide the patients with safe, quality care.
I take the opportunity of Health Month to salute the professionalism, availability and passion with which healthcare professionals dedicate a large part of their lives to care.
Have a good Health Month, everyone!