2020 Negotiation
Work on the upcoming negotiation of your provincial collective agreement has begun. The FIQ is the bargaining agent, responsible for negotiating on behalf of healthcare professionals who are FIQ and FIQP | Secteur privé members.
The FIQ will negotiate at a common table with the Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS) as part on the APTS-FIQ Alliance.
The Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS) and the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec–FIQ have decided to join forces and will speak with a unified voice throughout the upcoming public sector negotiations.
Together, the APTS and FIQ represent over 131,000 workers in the health and social services network. The two organizations are similar by their workplaces, a majority of female members and converging concerns on many issues.

Journal En Action, vol. 33, no 4 EN

Journal En Action Special Provincial Council – Negotiations on January 22 and 23

Journal En Action, vol. 32, no 5 EN

Filing for the FIQ sectoral demands

Journal En Action, vol. 32, no 4 EN
Journal En Action, vol. 32, no 3 EN

Adopted proposals on intersectoral matters APTS-FIQ

Journal En Action, Federal Council on November 12 and 13
The team responsible for the provincial negotiations is composed of two members from the Executive Committee responsible for the negotiations, five employees and five union reps elected to the FIQ Negotiating Committee. From left to right: Isabelle Groulx, Respiratory Therapist, CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest (FIQ-SPSMO), Sébastien Bouchard, Nurse, IUCPQ (FIQ-SIIQ), Marie-Hélène Verge, Union Consultant in the Negotiation Sector, Sophie Guilbault, Union Consultant in the Negotiation Sector and spokesperson at the sectoral table, Jean-Philippe Landry, Nurse Clinician Assistant-Head-Nurse, Institut de cardiologie de Montréal (FIQ-SPICICM), Roberto Bomba, FIQ Treasurer, Serge Prévost, Union Consultant in the Negotiation Sector, Cynthia Pothier, FIQ Vice-President, Maude Pelletier, Union Consultant in the Negotiation Sector, Jean-François Tremblay, Union Consultant in the Negotiation Sector and spokesperson at the intersectoral table, Véronique Foisy, Nurse Clinician, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS (FIQ-SPS des Cantons-de-l’Est), Nagia Idel-Mehdaoui, Care Counsellor Nurse, Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (FIQ-SNII de la Baie-James).
Contact your local union team for any questions about the negotiation of your next collective agreement.
Frequently asked questions